Hi, I’m Layne.
I am a fed up nutritionist looking to change the way we approach weight loss. I am on a mission to support women, no matter how busy, to feel proud of the life they lead and the body they live in.
After years of personally struggling with my weight and inability to maintain my healthy habits, this is the work that turned it around for me. I feel like I have a superpower and I am motivated and inspired to share it with the world.
I want every woman to know how to eat to feel amazing without ever cutting out her favorite carbs. I want her to feel less consumed by cravings or overwhelmed with getting in that workout. And most importantly I want her to end each day feeling proud of herself and trusting herself to do it all over again.
I founded EHC as a way to support the over scheduled women of the world to lose weight, build healthy habits and learn the skills to stay consistent, motivated and on track no matter what.
But at my core my mission is to spread more joy and make this world happier by helping everyone feel healthier.